Small Breeds Farm Herefordshire
OUR Owls
OUR Owls
It has taken many years to gather together one of the finest breeding collections of Owls in Europe.

White Faced Owls
Ptilopsis Granti
Native to Africa. This species has distinctive orange/red eyes, but when confronted with danger they squint their eyes and narrow their bodies to hide.

Tengmalms Owls
Aegolius Funereus
Known as the Boreal owl in North America and Tengmalms owl in Europe. This small owl has a large head and yellow eyes.

Tawny Owls
Strix Aluco
The most common of the British owls, Known for their ‘Twit twoo’ call.

Spectacled Owls
Pulsatrix Perspicillata

Mottled Owls
Strix Virgata
A medium sized owl found in South America. This species has been known to prey on bats amongst other small mammals.

Barn Owls
Tyto Alba
From the family Tytonidae which includes all owls with a heart shaped facial disk. The most widely distributed species of owl in the world.

Indian Scops Owls
Otus Bakkamoena
Native to India and parts of Arabia. A small nocturnal owl with notable feather tufts.

Black Banded Owls
Strix Huhula
Native to South America, this owl is very uncommon in captive collections. A striking bird with a bright orange beak and black plumage.

Vermiculated eagle owls
Bubo Cinerascens
A small eagle owl also known as the Greyish eagle owl. Found in parts of Africa.

Ural owls
Strix Uralensis
From Northern Europe to Japan, A rarely seen owl due to living in remote forest areas.

Rusty barred owls
Strix Hylophila
Native to South America, rarely seen in captivity. This species is now classified as Near Threatened by IUCN.

Snowy owls
Bubo Scandiacus
A well-known Northern owl with white plumage. Classified as Vulnerable by IUCN.

Burrowing owls
Athene Cunicularia
A true owl of the family Strigidae. A small species native to America. Unlike most owls they nest in burrows often taken from prairie dogs.

European scops owls
Otus Scops
The smallest owl we have in the owl garden. A migratory bird found in Europe and eastwards to Asia, wintering in Southern Europe and Africa.

Tropical screech owls
Megascops Choliba
Native to South America this small owl is successful across its range feeding on small prey such as insects and frogs.

Melanistic barn owls
Tyto Alba
A naturally occurring, although rare, mutation of the Common Barn owl, resulting in darker plumage.

Ashy faced barn owls
Tyto Glaucops
Found only on the island of Hispaniola, the Ashy faced owl is under threat since the introduction of the American Barn owl to control rodent infestations.

Little owls
Athene Noctua
Native to Europe the Little owl was introduced to Britain in the 19th century. Filling a gap that was otherwise absent they have flourished and spread across the country.

Boobook owls
Ninox Boobook
The smallest owl on mainland Australia, these owls hunt by pouncing on prey from tree branches.

Western screech owls
Megascops Kennicotti
A small owl native to America. Only distinguishable from the Eastern Screech owl by the different in their calls.

African wood owls
Strix Woodfordii
As the name suggests they are native to Africa. The call is similar to that of a Tawny owl with males and females doing a duet.

African spotted eagle owls
Bubo Africanus
Smaller than other eagle owls, this owl takes on small mammals and birds. Like most owls they are monogamous and pair for life.

American barred owls
Strix Varia
A large owl found in North America. With a rich hooting call heard often it its native areas.

Asian brown wood owls
Strix Leptogrammica
Distributed across Sri Lanka, Borneo and Java. A woodland bird with brown plumage.

Great horned eagle owls
Bubo virginianus
Common across the Americas. A ferocious owl with incredible crushing power in its talons.

Great grey owls
Strix Nebulosa
Found across the Northern Hemisphere, this owl is the tallest in the world. But despite its visual size, long soft feathers hide a small body.

Verreauxs eagle owls
Bubo Lacteus
Often known as the Milky Eagle owl. The largest owl in Africa and a strong hunter taking on large prey such as secretary birds.

Long eared owls
Asio Otus
Named for their long feather tufts these owls are found across Europe, Britain and North America.

Chaco Owls
Strix Chacoensis
A medium sized owl found in South America. Classified as Near Threatened by the IUCN due to habitat loss.

Eurasian eagle owls
Bubo Bubo
The largest owl in the world, preying on mammals and birds including buzzards. Native to Europe.